Topic Contents
Finding the Website
Fig.1 Login/ Home Page (Click to View)

Open a web browser to You will be greeted with the login / home page (Fig.1).

How to Register
Fig.2 Register (Click to View)
Fig.3 Register Screen (Click to View)

For a manager creating the first login for a new branch – click Not Registered? Sign Up Here (Fig.2). This will bring up the Register Screen (Fig.3). You will need to enter the following details:

Name Description
Account Name Enter Homelink
National ID The ID number of the branch manager
Email The email address of the branch manager, is used for account communication
Password Enter a strong 6 digit password
Confirm Re-enter the password to confirm it
Sign Up Click to sign up
Signing In
Fig.4 Sign In (Click to View)

If you are already registered sign in with username/password (Fig.4).

Signing Out
Fig.5 Sign Out (Click to View)

Remember to sign out when leaving your station. Click the Sign Out button (Fig.5).

Author Date
Chantelle Sexon 04 June 2013