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Fig.1 Transactions Screen (Click to View)

Click on the Transactions tab to bring up the Transactions Screen (Fig.1).

Transactions is used mainly for day end procedures and reconciliations.

  • The default dates picked are from 00:00 today to 23:59 today. Older history can be viewed for audit purposes.
  • The teller is able to see only their own transactions between the dates picked. They can use this to pre-check their day end reconciliation.
  • The manager can see the transactions of one or more tellers picked from the list.
  • This should be printed daily by the manager and each teller reconciles their day-end balances to the report.
  • The report is to be saved and sent as an excel spreadsheet to the central branch. It can also be saved as a .pdf.
Author Date
Chantelle Sexon 04 June 2013